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Visualization of Collatz Conjecture using Python

The Collatz Conjecture

What do you think of this image? Looks like a feather. Right? Well, this feather is drawn by using a well-defined mathematical sequence. To understand how this feather is drawn we need to understand a 60-year-old problem in mathematics.

The Problem

The Collatz conjecture (a.k.a the hailstone problem or the $3n + 1$ problem) was proposed by Lother Collatz in 1937. Although the problem on which the conjecture is based is really simple that even a fourth-grader can easily understand it, the behaviour of the conjecture makes it exceedingly difficult to prove(or disprove). 
First of all, lets define the Collatz map. Let $T : \mathbb{Z}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^+$ be defined by

The conjecture is that for every positive integer $n$, there exists a $k$ such that  $T^k(n) = 1$.

Let us consider an example.

As mentioned above, the conjecture states that this is true for any positive integer n. But what makes this problem interesting is that even after 60  years since its proposal nobody has been able to prove (or disprove) it. Mathematicians say the "Mathematics is yet not ready to tackle such problems." So far the conjecture has been checked for all starting values up to $87 \times 2^{60}$. All initial values tested so far eventually end up in 1.


#Program to check the Collatz conjecture for a given range of numbers.

def collatz(x):
    a = [x]
    while x!=1:
        if x % 2 == 0:
            x = x/2
            x = 3*x + 1
    if a[len(a)-1] == 1:
for i in range(1,100000):

This program checks the conjecture for the first 100000 positive integers, all of which returns to be true.


Now, what we are really interested is on the visualization of the problem. We try to visualize the problem with the aid of Python programs and try to find some patterns that may arise in the figures.
  • Stopping time
    Python program to compute the stopping time $k$ for each $n$ and plot them against $n$ in a graph.

    #Program to compute the stopping time for each n and to plot it in a graph.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def collatz(x):
        a = [x]
        while x != 1:
            if x % 2 == 0:
                x = x/2
                x = 3*x + 1
    for i in range(1,10000):
        a = collatz(i)

    We can see a pattern in the obtained graph.

  • The highest value in the iteration
    For each $n$, the composition of the function $T$ yields an upper bound. For example, 16 in the case of n = 6. Let's plot the graph of this largest value obtained in the iteration for each n and try to figure out some patterns from the graph.|
    #Highest value in the iteration
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def collatz(x):
        a = [x]
        while x != 1:
            if x % 2 == 0:
                x =x/2
                x = 3*x + 1
    b = []
    c = []
    for i in range(1,1000):
From the graph, it is evident that for the first 1000 positive integers the highest value obtained in the iteration for almost all $n$'s is bounded in the y-axis. For some $n$ they wander off to large numbers.

The Feather

Now let's get back to the feather we discussed earlier. Let's make a directed graph for the conjecture. It somewhat looks like this:

Now starting from 1 move upward along the graph. An edge incident to an even number should be curved slightly towards the right and the one incident to an odd number should be curved slightly towards the left. Lose the numbers on the graph and colour the graph according to your imagination. This yields the feather.


  1. Let us consider the (4,2,1) cycle on the positive side of Z. Is it isolated ? No. This cycle is the root of a tree growing indefinitely above it. Let us look at the negative side of Z. There are (at least) 3 cycles. Are they isolated ? No, of course. Each cycle is the root of a tree growing indefinitely above it. So let us think a few seconds and state together : Any number is within a tree which expands infinitely. There can be nothing like a cycle with no branches developing out of its 1 mod 3 and 2 mod 3 valued integers. Go down the Collatz algorithm and you get one number at each step of course, but go up and you get 1 or 2 numbers. Take a numeric example and see how many numbers you get after m steps up. Take literal n and write modulo 6’s conditions for the tree growth. Starting from any number you will find approximatively the same population after x steps upwards for sufficient large x. Let us take n not equal to 0 mod 3 which is not in the (4,2,1) tree (and if n is equal to 0 mod 3, just take 3n+1). This number is the root of a tree that develops with the approximate speed of the (4,2,1) tree. Let us have r the density of (4,2,1) tree in the set N. Then the tree to which n belongs has an α.r density in N with α ≠ 0. So this extra tree, with n on its base, has a non-zero density in N. But Riho Terras (Acta Arithmetica. Volume: 30, Issue: 3, page 241-252; ISSN: 0065-1036) proved, as soon as 1976, that the (4,2,1) tree is of density 1 in N, so that α.r+r = α+1 is now the density of our two trees, so we must have α = 0, which is a contradiction. Therefore there is only one tree in N and no exception n whatsoever.
    Let us note also the Pascal triangle based characteristics of the tree expansion (within appendix 5 of given reference). Terras sheet


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